
This is NOT summer knitting!

Every summer my summer wardrobe does battle with the goosebumps that inevitably appear on my arms and legs. No, I don't wear a winter coat in 90 degree weather like a crazy person. I just get cold easily in air conditioned buildings. Especially at work. But, I go through these hot and cold periods, so if I'm wearing a cardigan to keep warm, I'm constantly putting it on and taking it off. Rather than continue this on and off business with my cardigans, I decided to knit myself a shawl.

I'm using
Lion Brand's Triangle Shawl Pattern with Homespun Yarn in Prairie. This should keep me nice and toasty when I'm feeling chilly, yet it's easy enough to throw off when I feel a "hot flash" coming on (no, I'm not going through "the change," it just feels like it sometimes!).

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