So, what class did I register for? Pattern Writing 101 with Edie Eckman. Oooooh, I'm SO excited! With this description for the class, how could I possibly pass it up?
"If you have a design you’d like to get published or just want to share your
design with other knitters, you need to be able to write it so others can read
it. Learn how to take your idea from concept to written pattern, avoiding
typical mistakes along the way. Explore the joys and pitfalls of grading
patterns for a number of different sizes, and pick up tips for getting your
designs accepted for publication."
As you may know (or not, considering my blogging has been pretty sporadic), I would love to start designing and submitting patterns for publication. I have all these ideas in my head and have no idea how to go from concept to fruition. So, this class is going to be ultra-helpful, chock-full of information and all that good stuff. Did I mention I'm excited?
BTW, I posted last year after I visited Stitches, and if I remember correctly I had a list of do's and don'ts. Better revisit that list before I go to the Market...
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