
Knit Picks Options

I've been dreaming of a knitting needle set for quite some time. I've been on the fence with both the Boye Needlemaster set and the Denise Interchangeable set. I've read reviews about both and have heard from several users the pros and cons of each.

Enter Knit Picks Options set. I read the review from Knitter's Review, and I'm just about sold on them. Knit Picks allows you to buy a pair of needles and a cable, as sold in the set, so I'll probably try it before I buy it. Hmm, now to figure out which lucky project will take the maiden voyage.

Payday's only 2 days away... I better get crackin'!

1 comment:

Lizardknits said...

I have both Boye and Denise and much prefer the Denise, even though their smallest size is 5. I've found that no matter how tightly I screw in the Boye needles, they tend to come undone. Not a good thing. I haven't had a chance to try the Knitpick meedles yet - so no opinion on them.

Elizabeth H.