
The February Bug

Happy Valentine's Day to you! ! This picture came from this month's issue of Conscious Choice. I just love the picture and this periodical always has some articles worth reading. Check it out!

As for knitting, the February Bug has gotten me down. No, no, not the flu bug (Thank God!), but the dreary winter blues bug. Every year around this time, I feel like a victim of mono. (In fact, many times I've gone to the doctor with this complaint, but according to them, I just don't exercise enough. Ha!) It's at its worst at the beginning of Feb. and ends somewhere between Mar. 1 and spring (the weather, not 3/21.). I haven't done much in the way of knitting (as you can see by my posts, or lack thereof), except lay on the couch too exhausted to move and daydream about the things I'll knit when I'm feeling normal again.

Well, today I was feeling a little more normal than I have been (I swear it was the 20 mins. of yoga I did yesterday. It works wonders!), and I decided to move ahead with the vest I'm designing for my hubby. Actually, I've been starting and stopping work on it for two months or so, and I'm now ready to knit it with full force. (He actually said, "Oh, I thought you'd given up on that project and moved onto something else. " Does that sound like a knitter's husband, or what?!) The vest is machine knit in Bernat's Softee Chunkee yarn. I just finished my swatch and already love the drape of the fabric. More on my progress tomorrow. . . (unless that damn bug claims my body again, ugh!). . .


Crocheting with Wire

Yesterday I received my shipment from Herrschners. I had it shipped to work, so it made for a wonderful surprise during my dull (yet, extremely busy) afternoon at the office. I picked up a few balls of Bernat's Softee Chunky for a vest I'm making for my hubby. I also bought Crochet with Wire. It looks like a great book and I can't wait to try my hand at it. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up some Artistic Wire this week and I'll have something to post by the weekend.


Work in Progress

I'm working on a fuzzy handbag and absolutely love the yarn I'm using. This eyelash yarn is so silky soft and touchable. I would love a queen-size throw made out of it! The yarn is by Yarn Bee (my new fave yarn manufacturer) and it's called Dream Girl.


Blue Cheer

Introducing . . . Blue Cheer. I knitted this great nubby, funky scarf during my lunch hours at work. It made the dreary work days of January a little more bearable. When my husband offered the name "Blue Cheer" it seemed more than fitting.

It's knitted in Lana Grossa Ultra in Aquamarine.


Baby Got Back

I'm almost at the armhole shaping on the back of my boucle sweater. No matter how often I check the gauge, I always have this nagging feeling that my sweater isn't going to fit once I take it off my needles.

It looks so cute, all those stitches bunched up on those pretty needles. "I can't wait to wear it," you think. You imagine yourself strutting proudly around with your brand new sweater. You can barely contain your excitement as you bind off the stitches, and as the last stitch comes off your stick, it hits you: Wait, that can't be right. It kind of smallish. Oh no! It doesn't measure up according to the schematic! Rats!

Has this happened to you? As you might have guessed, I've had a little experience with this scenario, and it's dreadfully disappointing. Hopefully, this puppy will measure up as it should.